godzilla40: Schwarzkopf Bayern Kurve in operation
godzilla40: Bayern Kurve back view
godzilla40: Bayern Kurve back view
godzilla40: Bayern Kurve close-up
godzilla40: SDC Cyclone coaster, close-up
godzilla40: Eyerly Scorpion (Monster)
godzilla40: Eyerly Dive Bomber (Loop-O-Plane)
godzilla40: The Fun Faktory fun house, close-up
godzilla40: The Fun Faktory close-up
godzilla40: The Fun Faktory close-up
godzilla40: Mirror Maze glass house
godzilla40: Fun house
godzilla40: King(?) Streamliner train
godzilla40: Streamliner close-up
godzilla40: Wisdom double kiddie ride, close-up
godzilla40: Double kiddie ride, close-up
godzilla40: Sellner Spin The Apple
godzilla40: Fishy Fun (Bulgy The Whale)
godzilla40: B & B Express kiddie coaster
godzilla40: Wisdom Dragon Wagon coaster