God's Penultimate Scream: Loneliness Of The Long Distance Walker.
God's Penultimate Scream: Mad Cap Hides....
God's Penultimate Scream: I Could've Done .............
God's Penultimate Scream: The Rickshaw Puller
God's Penultimate Scream: God's Lonely Man
God's Penultimate Scream: Angel In The Crowd
God's Penultimate Scream: Sweet Emotions
God's Penultimate Scream: I'm not there anymore
God's Penultimate Scream: I am as god made me
God's Penultimate Scream: Scenes From The Underground
God's Penultimate Scream: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
God's Penultimate Scream: At The Feet Of The Cross
God's Penultimate Scream: Why Does a Soul Feel So Bad
God's Penultimate Scream: The Dude. El Dudorino or Your Dudeness!!!
God's Penultimate Scream: The Mad Cap Romance
God's Penultimate Scream: Mad Cap Lays Dormant