godotchris: public market sign
godotchris: public market sign
godotchris: seattle's best mug
godotchris: from the top of the hill
godotchris: two tea leaves kissing
godotchris: crumpets
godotchris: i did not know it would be today
godotchris: other public market sign
godotchris: five after three
godotchris: like apples and oranges
godotchris: pomegranates
godotchris: seattle dog
godotchris: restrooms are downstairs
godotchris: women at the flower stand
godotchris: flower stand
godotchris: going down
godotchris: giant lobster tails
godotchris: halibut cheeks
godotchris: mussels
godotchris: light bulb
godotchris: zeitgeist
godotchris: zeitgeist coffee
godotchris: public market sign
godotchris: world's best mac and cheese