GodKing's Realm:
Artifacts from Torcello
GodKing's Realm:
Cool Statue ~Torcello
GodKing's Realm:
Remains of a Roman Garrison
GodKing's Realm:
Can you see what's missing?
GodKing's Realm:
How 'bout now?
GodKing's Realm:
Prayer Alter in Torcello
GodKing's Realm:
The Gods watching over the Garden
GodKing's Realm:
Statues for Sale
GodKing's Realm:
Discovered artifacts of Torcello
GodKing's Realm:
Discovery at Torcello
GodKing's Realm:
GodKing's Realm:
Torcello Garrison
GodKing's Realm:
Another view of the Garrison
GodKing's Realm:
Someone's Driveway
GodKing's Realm:
LOTS of cats
GodKing's Realm:
Arriving at Torcello
GodKing's Realm:
Someone's Gate
GodKing's Realm:
Dipping her feet
GodKing's Realm:
Such a beautiful smile
GodKing's Realm:
Enjoying the view(s)
GodKing's Realm:
That's where we're going ~ Torcello
GodKing's Realm:
I think she's happy
GodKing's Realm:
Where are her clothes?
GodKing's Realm:
In memorial
GodKing's Realm:
Think She's happy
GodKing's Realm:
Who is this guy?
GodKing's Realm:
GodKing's Realm:
Look at the colors
GodKing's Realm:
Looks like a post card (I took the shot)
GodKing's Realm:
Burano was cool