meeralee: Self-Portrait With Avi Underneath a Gaudi Ceiling (Trial and Error, part the 1st)
meeralee: Self-Portrait With Avi Underneath a Gaudi Ceiling (Trial and Error, part the 2nd)
meeralee: Self-Portrait With Avi Underneath a Gaudi Ceiling (Trial and Error, part the 3rd)
meeralee: careful calculations
meeralee: gone pear-shaped
meeralee: new media
meeralee: parts of a whole
meeralee: asking for it
meeralee: Avi Says Something Of Note
meeralee: Avi Enjoys My Camera's Gaze
meeralee: Avi Poses For a Scarf Ad
meeralee: a(portioned)
meeralee: we think of heart and home
meeralee: you'll not find a nicer face in all of barcelona
meeralee: A Most Unusual Forest
meeralee: Disneyland in an LSD Dream
meeralee: this is your brain on architecture
meeralee: sanctus sanctus sanctus sanctus sanctus
meeralee: Above Us
meeralee: Leave No Stone Unsculptured
meeralee: Avi Gets Personal
meeralee: the shape of things to come
meeralee: so you see what a city this is
meeralee: a pity
meeralee: one more for e.
meeralee: We're Revolting
meeralee: total ignorance
meeralee: spanish graffiti is romantic
meeralee: la belleza es tu cabeza
meeralee: don't forget to look up