Rachael Ashe: Altered Book: In the shade of the cherry blossoms
Rachael Ashe: Altered Book: The Butterfly Garden
Rachael Ashe: Altered Book: The Buttons Fasten and the Threads Tie
Rachael Ashe: Altered Book: Living Well, Sip by Sip
Rachael Ashe: Altered book: Circle Away and Return
Rachael Ashe: Ghost tree - Image transfer on aluminum
Rachael Ashe: Magnolias - Image transfer on aluminum
Rachael Ashe: Willow weeping - Image transfer on aluminum
Rachael Ashe: Dreamtime - Image transfer on aluminum
Rachael Ashe: Bog tree - Image transfer on aluminum
Rachael Ashe: Monkey Puzzle tree - Image transfer on aluminum
Rachael Ashe: Embryo - Image transfer on aluminum
Rachael Ashe: Collage: The Butterfly Chase
Rachael Ashe: Mixed media collage
Rachael Ashe: Mixed media collage
Rachael Ashe: Mixed media collages
Rachael Ashe: Mixed media collage
Rachael Ashe: Bird Collage - Black Oyster Catcher
Rachael Ashe: Bird Collage - Black Oyster Catcher