Rachael Ashe: Altered book: Forgotten Knowledge - detail
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge - detail
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge - detail
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge - detail
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge - detail of deer bones
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge - details of acorn caps and chamomile
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge - detail of driftwood
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge, the completed set of 25
Rachael Ashe: Forgotten Knowledge, the completed set of 25
Rachael Ashe: Paper Flowers
Rachael Ashe: Paper Flowers
Rachael Ashe: Paper Flowers
Rachael Ashe: Container Art at the PNE: Forgotten Knowledge
Rachael Ashe: Container Art at the PNE: Forgotten Knowledge
Rachael Ashe: The Container Art Show