.sarahwynne.: ..because then we can pretend like it's still the same.
.sarahwynne.: if i find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.
.sarahwynne.: drowsy maggie
.sarahwynne.: walking by faith
.sarahwynne.: 'Though quite free to will whatever we wanted to do in a given situation, we were not free to will to love others, because the will did not really want to. We were literally bound in our own sin.'
.sarahwynne.: and when I awoke my eyes greeted me
.sarahwynne.: and never the twain shall meet
.sarahwynne.: IMG_4370
.sarahwynne.: peace
.sarahwynne.: diamante
.sarahwynne.: bachelorette #3
.sarahwynne.: when the door actually opened, they both stood stock still; for what they saw was quite different from what they had expected.
.sarahwynne.: with eyes like the sea after a storm
.sarahwynne.: pacific pink
.sarahwynne.: this is what my week has been
.sarahwynne.: spider strike
.sarahwynne.: founder
.sarahwynne.: veins
.sarahwynne.: pearls
.sarahwynne.: silver lining
.sarahwynne.: bending light
.sarahwynne.: IMG_6110
.sarahwynne.: IMG_6105