.sarahwynne.: montmorency falls
.sarahwynne.: like a fairy tale I saw the city
.sarahwynne.: a flower for you...
.sarahwynne.: IMG_2336
.sarahwynne.: It rains when you're sad
.sarahwynne.: Sunstroke
.sarahwynne.: Sunset on the High Road
.sarahwynne.: thankful.
.sarahwynne.: hello?
.sarahwynne.: ..because then we can pretend like it's still the same.
.sarahwynne.: but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
.sarahwynne.: confused
.sarahwynne.: sunrise at five am
.sarahwynne.: God has a weird sense of humour
.sarahwynne.: confused
.sarahwynne.: searching for a soul .explore
.sarahwynne.: gerbera