GOB42: Hepatica
GOB42: Bleeding hearts
GOB42: In my garden
GOB42: Daisy
GOB42: Popeye, looks like a cake. Or?
GOB42: Popeye 2
GOB42: Columbine
GOB42: Dew
GOB42: P6210015
GOB42: Rose
GOB42: Midsummer flower
GOB42: Striped rose
GOB42: Malva
GOB42: Forget me not
GOB42: Cosmea
GOB42: After the rain
GOB42: Helleborus
GOB42: In my neighbors garden
GOB42: Mahonia
GOB42: My garden is filled with cowslips
GOB42: Halleborus 2
GOB42: A longed-for tulip
GOB42: Wild strawberry flowers, ants and something else
GOB42: Alone is strong
GOB42: Anemones in a "green jungle"
GOB42: Million Bells
GOB42: Oxel
GOB42: Blushing beauty (after the morning shower)
GOB42: Longing!!!
GOB42: The first tulip, spring 2009