Steve wGØAT:
Steve wGØAT:
Bob/K0NR and Joyce/K0JJW
Steve wGØAT:
K0JJW Rocks Ormes Peak
Steve wGØAT:
Better Aim that Thing Carefully Before Pulling the Trigger ...aka Know Your Target!
Steve wGØAT:
Joyce/K0JJW Quickly Locks Up VHF for SOTA!
Steve wGØAT:
Jim/WB0GMR Burns RF on 20m SSB for Summits on the Air!
Steve wGØAT:
Jim/WB0GMR fills his log for SOTA via 17m/20m for his first SOTA activation!
Steve wGØAT:
Jim/WB0GMR Ladybug approved SOTA radio!
Steve wGØAT:
Jim's center loaded vertical
Steve wGØAT:
Jim's HomeBrew Vertical PVC base connects radials with coax and whip vertical
Steve wGØAT:
Jim/WB0GMR trolling 20m SSB with FT817 and his HomeBrew Vertical
Steve wGØAT:
Jim/WB0GMR 'debugs' his SWR