Steve wGØAT: Summits on the Air - Mt Herman Colorado
Steve wGØAT: Peanut & Boo goat enjoying the views
Steve wGØAT: Old Goat sets up his radio gear for SOTA
Steve wGØAT: Pikes Peak (14k) on the horizon
Steve wGØAT: EFHW wire slung over tree top (middle tree)
Steve wGØAT: Air Force Academy (lower right)
Steve wGØAT: Chalk winder wire reel attached to Elecraft T1 tuner
Steve wGØAT: I've found leaving the battery in my T1 tuner often discharges itself from the buttons getting pushed while in my pack.
Steve wGØAT: By reversing the battery inside the case of the T1 it's battery is always fresh
Steve wGØAT: Boo goat coming up to check on the OG and see what's for lunch
Steve wGØAT: Old Goat's BJ sandwiches of course
Steve wGØAT: KD1JV Tri-Bander for 40/20/17m was rig for today
Steve wGØAT: Boo Goat
Steve wGØAT: Boo Goat testing rocks before he climbs up to check views