Steve wGØAT:
Bo Treads Lightly on the Edge
Steve wGØAT:
Bo stand ready to defend his high spot
Steve wGØAT:
Peanut Browses
Steve wGØAT:
Mini-banana plug broke off antenna wire
Steve wGØAT:
Stuffed bare wire into jack using the plug to hold it!
Steve wGØAT:
20' telescopic carbon fiber mast hold up EFHW
Steve wGØAT:
hung far end of EFHW in little White Pine
Steve wGØAT:
Bo comes to inspect
Steve wGØAT:
Goats mess around on rocks while I operate
Steve wGØAT:
MTR II with Palm micro paddles (w/hot rod paint job)
Steve wGØAT:
Bo shows up looking for treats
Steve wGØAT:
"Look into my eyes' ...says Bo goat "when you wake up you will give me your lunch without hesitation"
Steve wGØAT:
"OK you can wake up now" ...Bo
Steve wGØAT:
"where's your lunch?" ...Bo
Steve wGØAT:
"Ok ...ok sometimes it works sometimes not."
Steve wGØAT:
"Today is an off day" Bo
Steve wGØAT:
Bo tries power of suggestion whispering in my ear "you want to give your PBJ to!"
Steve wGØAT:
On the way up boys look for nibbles