Steve wGØAT:
Weather with lightning moves in!
Steve wGØAT:
The boys dancing on the edge
Steve wGØAT:
My homebrew fingerstock paddle was QLF today!
Steve wGØAT:
"Yes I'm pretending to eat these pine needles but the second you step away I'll score your lunch!" ...say Boo goat
Steve wGØAT:
Boo goat wonders if my camera is food
Steve wGØAT:
KX3 with homemade paddles and random wire
Steve wGØAT:
end of wire attaches to spool but it needed to connect to ant - binding post
Steve wGØAT:
"I'll watch your LUNCH! ...if you need to step away?"
Steve wGØAT:
Binding post connects to loop of uninsulated wire
Steve wGØAT:
DeWalt chalk line winder holds about 60' of #24 wire
Steve wGØAT:
Summit time cut short again with weather moving in.
Steve wGØAT:
I'm still watching you!"
Steve wGØAT:
Boo goat poses for a selfie