Steve wGØAT:
Recent Project Winder-n-Balun
Steve wGØAT:
Takes Time to get a Messy Bench
Steve wGØAT:
Winder-n-Balun 4K:50ohm
Steve wGØAT:
FT37-43 toroid with 27-turn secondary from gnd to EFHW wire then 3-turn primary + 50pF across coax to XCVR
Steve wGØAT:
Same 20m/30M EFHW Balun used w/MTR
Steve wGØAT:
Requires setting up and pruning EFHW
Steve wGØAT:
Balun Close-up
Steve wGØAT:
EFHW Balun/Winder Combo Field Ready
Steve wGØAT:
EFHW wire is supported with Telescopic 21' Fishing Pole
Steve wGØAT:
Balun Works!