Steve wGØAT:
Radio site for the day
Steve wGØAT:
New Tarp provides much needed shade
Steve wGØAT:
Boo goat not joyous about sharing his shade with humans
Steve wGØAT:
Lynn/KC0YCF taming a 20m chaser pileup
Steve wGØAT:
Franks waits his turn at the radio
Steve wGØAT:
Frank checks for S2Ss on SOTAgoat App
Steve wGØAT:
KX3 to EFHW antenna was our go-to radio/antenna for today
Steve wGØAT:
Frank/K0JQZ runs 20m chaser pileup for SOTA
Steve wGØAT:
Boo Goat enjoys the shade of our new tarp
Steve wGØAT:
Peanut Goat molting his winter coat