Steve wGØAT:
MTR v1 with Battery
Steve wGØAT:
MTR in the case with Battery/Cable
Steve wGØAT:
MTR Station Unpacked ...Paddles carried separately
Steve wGØAT:
EFHW matching unit (toriod xformer & cap)
Steve wGØAT:
EFHW Antenna Wire Yel=20m + Red for 30m White line for tie off
Steve wGØAT:
I use the RC-hobbyist JST connectors on all my smaller QRP radios
Steve wGØAT:
MTR v1 w/BNC adapter
Steve wGØAT:
MTR v1 built for 20m 30m
Steve wGØAT:
MTR, EFHW ant w/matching unit and battery fit
Steve wGØAT:
Case for 20m30 MTR-v1
Steve wGØAT:
MTR w/Accessories and 26' mast
Steve wGØAT:
Sending with homemade paddles
Steve wGØAT:
Logging w/HamLog on iPhone 4