Steve wGØAT:
After a long steep hike we arrive on level ground! ...well sorta level
Steve wGØAT:
"Ok so where's the goat treats for hiking up here? Huh?" ...say Acorn and Barley
Steve wGØAT:
Barley checks out the view
Steve wGØAT:
Barley & Acorn explore the edge
Steve wGØAT:
Peanut Goat who lead our ascent nibbles on some scrub oak for a quick snack
Steve wGØAT:
Acorn stops to take in the view
Steve wGØAT:
"I know you've got some goat treats in your pockets I can smell 'em ...So anty up or else!" ...says Acorn
Steve wGØAT:
Acorn soaks in the views on Mt Herman