Steve wGØAT: GoatBerries SOTA Energy Bar keep up your energy up while gaining altitude!
Steve wGØAT: Peanut Surveys the Air Force Academy to the south
Steve wGØAT: "Something is missing!" ...says Peanut
Steve wGØAT: Almost a cloudless fall day over Pikes Peak
Steve wGØAT: Somber Peanut Goat ...
Steve wGØAT: Air Force Academy just north of Colorado Springs
Steve wGØAT: Equipment: KX3 with SideKX handles, iPhone 4 w/SOTApaddle running HamLog app, Boafang HT and cup of hot tea!
Steve wGØAT: Antenna du jour EF 58' wire hung over tree
Steve wGØAT: 58' Teflon coated #26 silver stranded wire on clothesline reel. (why 58' it just happens to be a non-resonate ham-band length and works very well w/KX3's ATU 40-6m! without a blaun)
Steve wGØAT: Center of wire is up over tree top about 25' above cliff edge
Steve wGØAT: Half moon rising
Steve wGØAT: Peanut Goat noticeble misses his partner
Steve wGØAT: "It ain't the same without Rooster!" ...sighs Peanut
Steve wGØAT: SOTA log W0/FR-063 11/11/13