Steve wGØAT:
Devil's Head Lookout Tower 9745'
Steve wGØAT:
After asking permission Frank sets up the antenna
Steve wGØAT:
Buddipole vertical dipole installs quickly
Steve wGØAT:
Elevated radial-counterpoise gets deployed
Steve wGØAT:
Frank's looks for 20m mark on his counterpoise
Steve wGØAT:
Frank wonders, "Are we spotted yet?"
Steve wGØAT:
Lynn/KC0YQF runs a 20m SSB pile up
Steve wGØAT:
Other side of railing is a 500' drop straight down
Steve wGØAT:
Buddipole vertical dipole antenna du jour
Steve wGØAT:
"Room with a view"
Steve wGØAT:
143 steps to the restroom!
Steve wGØAT:
Frank & Lynn team up on Bennett Mtn
Steve wGØAT:
"What was that guy's call sign ...again?"
Steve wGØAT:
Finding shade on Bennett Mtn
Steve wGØAT:
Steve/wG0AT weaves through 20m-CW pile up on Bennett Mtn
Steve wGØAT:
KX3 was solid performer for double SOTAs
Steve wGØAT:
With trees on Bennett Mtn we used an EFHW antenna
Steve wGØAT:
EFHW antenna 20' up in trees
Steve wGØAT:
Lynn/KC0YQF tired from 2-SOTAs in one day still smiling
Steve wGØAT:
Frank's new SOTAjeep access vehicle
Steve wGØAT:
HamLog on iPhone 4 with homemade paddle for quick SOTA logging