Steve wGØAT:
Goat's Home for a week
Steve wGØAT:
Morning Coffee by the Stove
Steve wGØAT:
Bedroom in a Tipi
Steve wGØAT:
Wood Stove Ready for Action
Steve wGØAT:
Horses & Riders Gather in the Tarryall's
Steve wGØAT:
Jim's Field Kitchen to Feed Hungry Riders
Steve wGØAT:
It's BBQed Ribs & Strawberry Shortcake Time
Steve wGØAT:
Horse Wonders about the Goats
Steve wGØAT:
Riders Big and Small
Steve wGØAT:
Wildflowers Were at Their Peak
Steve wGØAT:
Riders Warming Before the Start
Steve wGØAT:
Goats Always Attract Attention
Steve wGØAT:
Vet's Checking for Lameness
Steve wGØAT:
"What's for Dinner, Buddy?" …Says Rooster Goat
Steve wGØAT:
Vet Check Capillary Refill for Hydration
Steve wGØAT:
Day's End Beside a Warm Tipi Fire
Steve wGØAT:
Ready for Morning Rituals
Steve wGØAT:
Rooster Finds Shady Summit Nap Spot
Steve wGØAT:
KX3 Raises Some GOTA Action
Steve wGØAT:
Rooster & Peanut Goat Napping
Steve wGØAT:
Walking Stick Buddipole Vertical Dipole
Steve wGØAT:
Peanut Checks Out the View
Steve wGØAT:
"I'm worn out and need a long goat nap" …says Rooster Goat