C.P. Kirkie: Flower Power
C.P. Kirkie: A picture is worth a thousand words
C.P. Kirkie: What are you doing with that camera?
C.P. Kirkie: Portland Division Portal
C.P. Kirkie: Obscure
C.P. Kirkie: The day I met a real Hawkeye and Trapper John
C.P. Kirkie: Aging transportation, road and rail
C.P. Kirkie: My VW Convertible in Klamath Falls during 1983
C.P. Kirkie: Mid-80s Life Behind the Sagebrush Curtain
C.P. Kirkie: My first car
C.P. Kirkie: A moment in time
C.P. Kirkie: Meals for the Men
C.P. Kirkie: My home, May 1985 - Labor Day Weekend 1986
C.P. Kirkie: Once a Safeway
C.P. Kirkie: Mid-80s Life Behind the Sagebrush Curtain
C.P. Kirkie: All aboard!
C.P. Kirkie: Mid-80s Life Behind the Sagebrush Curtain
C.P. Kirkie: My handiwork
C.P. Kirkie: Willow Ranch overlook
C.P. Kirkie: Vigilance
C.P. Kirkie: An E-Ticket Ride
C.P. Kirkie: Spousal Scenery
C.P. Kirkie: Lunch break at Bly
C.P. Kirkie: A Moment in Time
C.P. Kirkie: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Foamer
C.P. Kirkie: Interesting problem
C.P. Kirkie: The late, great Food King of Hanford, California
C.P. Kirkie: Baseball ETTS
C.P. Kirkie: Not long before the strike
C.P. Kirkie: Foaming and the City