Cadets participate in an Army ROTC leadership class that fosters an exchange of ideas and allows cadets to grow together as future Army leaders.
Capt. Doug Locke, Assistant Professor of Military Science at Georgia State University, teaches leadership to a class of ROTC cadets.
ROTC Cadet Jessica Arteaga and her fellow cadets participate in a mission planning practical exercise during an Army ROTC leadership class.
Cadets Jordan Westbrook and Michael Perez participate in morning PT, or physical training, to help build physical and mental toughness.
Cadets from the Georgia State University Army ROTC program on a morning ruck march through downtown Atlanta, taking advantage of the unique training and leadership opportunities provided by Army ROTC.
Lt. Col. Josh Brooks, Professor of Military Science at Georgia State University, leads cadets through downtown Atlanta during a morning ruck march helping to inspire Army’s future leaders.
Georgia State University Army ROTC cadets march through downtown Atlanta building discipline, preparedness and leadership, while working together during their morning ruck march.
Cadets Jessica Arteaga and Demani Sommers study for their classes at the Georgia State University Army ROTC offices, which enables them to continue to grow their knowledge so they may become stronger future leaders.
Cadets Malayna Taylor and Michael Perez, friends and freshman at Georgia State University, build discipline and strength while doing pushups as part of their physical training for the Army ROTC program.
Cadets Malayna Taylor and Michael Perez walk along the Georgia State University campus trail, building camaraderie and supporting each other through their first year in the Army ROTC program.