GoArmy: Ryan Newman Gets Acclimated to Ft. Bragg
GoArmy: Ryan Newman Gets Marksmanship Training
GoArmy: U.S. Army Racing Team Recognized
GoArmy: U.S. Army Racing Team Watches Jump Simulator Demonstration
GoArmy: Ryan Newman with Flipjacket
GoArmy: Ryan Newman Greets Soldier
GoArmy: Ryan Newman Gets Marksmanship Pointers
GoArmy: U.S. Army Racing Team Listens to Training Tips
GoArmy: Ryan Newman in a Jump Simulator
GoArmy: Ryan Newman Talks to Daytona, Fla., Community Leaders
GoArmy: Cadets Compete in a Pushup Contest
GoArmy: Cutting-Edge Technology on Display
GoArmy: Soldier at Strength in Action Zone
GoArmy: Soldiers and Ryan Newman Talk with Community Leaders
GoArmy: US Army Racing Team Garage Stall
GoArmy: Ryan Newman and Crew Chief
GoArmy: Ryan Newman Speaks at NEO Program
GoArmy: US Army #39 Chevy Comes In for a Pit Stop
GoArmy: US Army #39 Chevy Prepares for a Pit Stop
GoArmy: Ryan Newman Addresses Crowd
GoArmy: Ryan Newman and Soldiers Pose with Community Leaders
GoArmy: Ryan Newman and Sgt. 1st Class Potter pose with U.S. Army #39 Chevrolet
GoArmy: Ryan Newman
GoArmy: Ryan Newman Climbs Out of the US Army #39 Chevy
GoArmy: Ryan Newman Focuses on the Race
GoArmy: Ryan Newman Strapped In to the Driver's Seat
GoArmy: US Army Race Team Looks Under the Hood