go2HR: Welcome to the 2013 Industry Health & Safety Summit
go2HR: Registration Table
go2HR: Name Tags
go2HR: A display of health & safety resources devleoped by go2hr
go2HR: Event agenda
go2HR: Mingling during breaks
go2HR: Debbie Yule opens the event
go2HR: A full house at Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
go2HR: Attendees listen to a number of health & safety presentations
go2HR: Show of hands: Who's on go2hr's health & safety committees?
go2HR: Debbie introduces go2hr and its programs
go2HR: Gerry Paquette
go2HR: Lorne Scarlett
go2HR: Trina Wright
go2HR: Michael Guzmicky
go2HR: Alex Mitchell
go2HR: Margaret Tebbutt
go2HR: Alex Booth
go2HR: Afternoon workshop with case studies
go2HR: Groups work on case studies
go2HR: Participants discuss case studies