gnik2009: Cactus Lake Elevator
gnik2009: Morning Light
gnik2009: Grain Truck B & W
gnik2009: Iris
gnik2009: Ferns & Such
gnik2009: Night Sky - Wind Generator Remaines S
gnik2009: Eclipse
gnik2009: Zion National Park Utah
gnik2009: Sask Fusilier Elevator
gnik2009: Battle River Trestle
gnik2009: Dreamy
gnik2009: Early Merc
gnik2009: SPASA
gnik2009: Sharpies Grain Elevator
gnik2009: Walterdale
gnik2009: Desert Scales
gnik2009: Water Rose's
gnik2009: Chevy Utility
gnik2009: Empty
gnik2009: Fusilier
gnik2009: Interstellar Storm B & W
gnik2009: Rogers Place
gnik2009: ABJ Entrance
gnik2009: The Pool @A.B.J.
gnik2009: Edmonton, Alberta City Hall
gnik2009: A Day Of Reckoning
gnik2009: Alberta Legislature
gnik2009: IMGP5849
gnik2009: Before the Cleanup
gnik2009: Bison in the storm