grace newton: Max on alert
grace newton: Max trying to look innocent
grace newton: I think Max wants to go out.
grace newton: Max in the sunset light
grace newton: Max Asking For A Truck Ride
grace newton: Mackers in the garden
grace newton: Max Checking out Territory With Hammer
grace newton: Theresa and Max
grace newton: Grace and Max - and I was talking babytalk . . .
grace newton: Travis completing the garden tilling
grace newton: Lexi and Max
grace newton: Skully wrestling with Max. Arena? My lap.
grace newton: Still sporting his newly groomed self
grace newton: Max Trying To Nap
grace newton: Max In Low Light
grace newton: Flower Child Hippy Pup
grace newton: Max and Theresa
grace newton: More silliness
grace newton: Mighty Max
grace newton: Captain Retardo Dog
grace newton: Max snoozing in his favorite spot
grace newton: Max soaking up some sun
grace newton: Road Trip!!
grace newton: Riding In The Car-Car!
grace newton: Theresa and Max Communicating
grace newton: Talk to the Hand - actually, Play with the Hand
grace newton: Max in the garden today.
grace newton: Max with bow -
grace newton: Max chilling out in his favorite spot
grace newton: Max and Lulu