gnat23: Come on, Brie, let's go THAT WAY!
gnat23: I turn here, correct?
gnat23: Caution: Vension nearby
gnat23: Just before the climb
gnat23: So very pretty!
gnat23: Cycling heaven
gnat23: Rest here, get coffee, eat fud
gnat23: Woodside's fish
gnat23: Moving up Hwy 84
gnat23: Stop here, eat fud, listen to live guitarist
gnat23: From whence I came
gnat23: To where I'm going
gnat23: I did it! There's the Pacific Ocean!
gnat23: Tunitas Creek start
gnat23: Don't go that way
gnat23: MADE IT, about 2000 vertical feet later!
gnat23: Onto Sky... line
gnat23: Home is down there, somewhere...