gmt0123: longing
gmt0123: dr not-quite-evil
gmt0123: prep work
gmt0123: baby bottle boat race
gmt0123: about to cheat
gmt0123: playing by the rules
gmt0123: the gloves come off
gmt0123: joe considers - lauren modifies
gmt0123: victory for the wives
gmt0123: drinking problem
gmt0123: tony
gmt0123: searching for a little black cat
gmt0123: amos begins work
gmt0123: zig
gmt0123: green monster
gmt0123: working and thinking
gmt0123: decorators
gmt0123: poised
gmt0123: dave starts a bib
gmt0123: melissa takes over
gmt0123: inspiration strikes joe
gmt0123: amos is still at work
gmt0123: keep it classy
gmt0123: collaboration results in a tiny dinosaur
gmt0123: signing
gmt0123: cari discovers the laffy taffy
gmt0123: onesie by Jimy
gmt0123: crib full of goodies
gmt0123: crib full of goodies
gmt0123: where and how