gmt0123: stewart takes the wheel
gmt0123: pennsylvania highway
gmt0123: trees
gmt0123: vapor trail
gmt0123: terminal apex
gmt0123: cleveland court house
gmt0123: decrepit ohio barn
gmt0123: decrepit wisconsin house
gmt0123: farmer
gmt0123: pointy
gmt0123: al's oasis
gmt0123: stewart is skeptical of the oasis
gmt0123: the only buffalo we saw
gmt0123: south dakota skyline
gmt0123: the first of many badlands pictures
gmt0123: badlands horizon
gmt0123: perspective - remember we are on a small cliff
gmt0123: badlands peaks
gmt0123: more badlands perspective
gmt0123: craggy
gmt0123: lunar surface with a very blue sky
gmt0123: badlands again
gmt0123: badlands road 1
gmt0123: badlands bees
gmt0123: FIND HOPPY
gmt0123: good to know
gmt0123: an apparent controlled burn
gmt0123: see - totally controlled
gmt0123: badlands road 2