gmenut: Anise Swallowtail, spring
gmenut: Anise Swallowtail, late summer
gmenut: Swallowtail
gmenut: Freshly laid Anise swallowtail egg.
gmenut: Early pigmentation
gmenut: Anise swallowtail egg
gmenut: Maturing egg
gmenut: Maturing egg
gmenut: Next day
gmenut: Shortly before hatching
gmenut: Swallowtail hatching
gmenut: Swallowtail hatching
gmenut: Heading out
gmenut: First day
gmenut: 1st instar, 3-4 days old
gmenut: Spikey's trip to to "portrait studio"
gmenut: I am just bird poop, let me be
gmenut: Zelicaon 2nd instar
gmenut: Anise Swallowtail 3rd Instar
gmenut: Anise Swallowtail 4th Instar
gmenut: Anise Swallowtail 5th instar: Jabba the Hutt
gmenut: Anise Swallowtail
gmenut: Spiracles
gmenut: Legs
gmenut: Prolegs
gmenut: Prolegs crochets
gmenut: Osmeteria
gmenut: Wanderer pose
gmenut: Wanderer reach
gmenut: Exuvia (molt)