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Close-ups and macros by no focus
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no focus
Busy bee: DSC_6787c
no focus
Fly: DSC_6748c
no focus
Skipper: DSC_6671c
no focus
Bee in flight: DSC_6662c
no focus
Bee: DSC_6569c
no focus
Butterfly: DSC_6591c
no focus
Two yellow wasps: DSC_6496c
no focus
Wasp in flight: DSC_6441c
no focus
Wasp: DSC_6446c
no focus
Dragonfly: DSC_6423c
no focus
Hovering Wasp & Caterpillar: DSC_6414c
no focus
Butterfly: DSC_6408c
no focus
Bee in flight: DSC_6398c
no focus
Dragonfly: DSC_6349c
no focus
Dragonfly: DSC_6374c
no focus
Can you see me?
no focus
Caterpillar: DSC_6331c
no focus
Bee: DSC_6129c
no focus
Bee: DSC_6113c
no focus
Caterpillars - Just passing
no focus
Fly: DSC_5995c
no focus
Butterfly: DSC_5959c
no focus
Butterfly: DSC_5909c
no focus
Butterfly: DSC_5944c
no focus
Bee: DSC_5869c
no focus
Fly: DSC_5877c
no focus
Fly: DSC_5879c
no focus
Butterfly: DSC_5751c
no focus
Butterfly: DSC_5794c
no focus
Butterfly: DSC_5798c
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