gmeador: Day 8 Trip Map
gmeador: Ghost Ranch Hikes
gmeador: Kitchen Mesa Trail Track
gmeador: Wendy at the Kitchen Mesa trailhead
gmeador: Granger is eager to hike up Kitchen Mesa
gmeador: Panorama of Camposanto from Kitchen Mesa Trail
gmeador: Camposanto Mesa
gmeador: Panorama at Coelophysis Quarry at Ghost Ranch
gmeador: Coelophysis Quarry Sign 1
gmeador: Coelophysis Quarry Sign 2
gmeador: Coelophysics Quarry
gmeador: Narrow Tip of Kitchen Mesa
gmeador: Interesting Rocks near base of Kichen Mesa
gmeador: A huge chunk of Kitchen Mesa which fell out and rolled here
gmeador: Northen Edge of Kitchen Mesa
gmeador: Slot in the mesa
gmeador: Amphitheater in the side of Kitchen Mesa
gmeador: Natural Amphitheater at Kitchen Mesa
gmeador: Beautiful views to keep us going
gmeador: Panorama from the ascent up Kitchen Mesa
gmeador: Closing in on the top
gmeador: Green coffee can trail marker
gmeador: Hikers coming down the mesa cleft
gmeador: About to climb the cleft
gmeador: The cleft or chimney leading to the top
gmeador: Wendy climbing in the cleft
gmeador: Selfie atop Kitchen Mesa
gmeador: Atop the mesa
gmeador: Panorama atop Kitchen Mesa with shower and Cerro Pedernal
gmeador: Granger at the first overlook