gmeador: Chaplin Nature Center Trail Track
gmeador: Chaplin Nature Center Sign
gmeador: Bluff Trail Marker
gmeador: Chaplin Nature Center Trailside Sign
gmeador: River Trail Sign
gmeador: Tall Tree on the River Trail
gmeador: River Trail Bridge
gmeador: Big Riverbottom Tree
gmeador: Yellow Leaves
gmeador: Sandbar Trail Sign
gmeador: Out on the Sandbar
gmeador: Tree Along the Arkansas
gmeador: Sandbar Shadow
gmeador: Yellow Leaves Along the Arkansas
gmeador: Bird Across the Arkansas
gmeador: Big Chair at Chaplin Nature Center
gmeador: In the Big Chair at Chaplin Nature Center
gmeador: Prairie Restoration
gmeador: Tall Grass Prairie
gmeador: Spring Creek
gmeador: Crook of the Tree
gmeador: Large White Mushrooms on a Log
gmeador: Mushrooms Close Up
gmeador: Lost Prairie Trail Sign
gmeador: Honey Locust
gmeador: Honey Locust Thorns
gmeador: Bluff Stairs at Chaplin Nature Center
gmeador: Ranney Park Busts in Ark City, KS
gmeador: Statue in Ranney Park in Ark City, KS