G+ME: arthur's pass national park
G+ME: The first snack before we begin (Jana believing this was a bench for such purposes).
G+ME: First of the many river crossings...
G+ME: and many steps
G+ME: and of the many views
G+ME: Feels like bristley fairy floss.
G+ME: acts like a prolific parasite
G+ME: .
G+ME: day 1 ended at Hamilton Hut
G+ME: .
G+ME: Day 2. follow the river
G+ME: but take your time..
G+ME: .
G+ME: .
G+ME: the pinnacles
G+ME: .
G+ME: glacial mountains
G+ME: = rock slides
G+ME: .
G+ME: .
G+ME: night 4. Mt. bruce
G+ME: the hut put on a brave face
G+ME: on the 3rd evening...
G+ME: the sky perfomed
G+ME: and on the forth day...
G+ME: it rained for the first time
G+ME: ..
G+ME: and we saw snow
G+ME: Back in civilisation
G+ME: well, almost