Galen Charlton: Detcon1 program
Galen Charlton: Detroit, evening of 16 July
Galen Charlton: Detroit, evening of 16 July
Galen Charlton: Detroit, evening of 16 July
Galen Charlton: Detroit, morning of 17 July
Galen Charlton: Jmack and Toobuck
Galen Charlton: Gateway to Freedom
Galen Charlton: Gateway to Freedom
Galen Charlton: Dixon's Violin
Galen Charlton: Dixon's Violin
Galen Charlton: Dixon's Violin
Galen Charlton: Dixon's Violin
Galen Charlton: Dixon's Violin
Galen Charlton: Opening ceremonies
Galen Charlton: Jon Davis
Galen Charlton: Book haul
Galen Charlton: Octavia's Brood Panel
Galen Charlton: Jim C. Hines reading
Galen Charlton: Nominees for the Detcon1 YA prize
Galen Charlton: Trophy for the Detcon1 Award for YA and Middle Grade Speculative Fiction
Galen Charlton: Pablo M.A. Vazquez III
Galen Charlton: Fandom wall of honor
Galen Charlton: Mount Rainier
Galen Charlton: Detcon1 badge