Gloria1207: bentley
Gloria1207: Bentley and my cat Brittney
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: You said sit
Gloria1207: Now where did that cat go?
Gloria1207: They can fly
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: bentley
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: Bentley has a girlfriend
Gloria1207: What do you mean keep digging
Gloria1207: Let me think about this
Gloria1207: Nanna l can help you water Oh no sorry
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: The things we dogs have to do
Gloria1207: l'm tired
Gloria1207: Can you do this Nanna?
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: l told you l wouldn't fit
Gloria1207: Found this stick in your garden
Gloria1207: Beach time go Bentley go
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: Oh that mailman was good
Gloria1207: Bentley
Gloria1207: What did you say this was ?
Gloria1207: It's mine
Gloria1207: Tag your it