Glyn Sellors: A beautiful male Black-throated Blue Warbler - I think this is my favourite image of the trip
Glyn Sellors: Magee Marsh - if the conditions are right, Warblers are everywhere - the 13th of May was an exceptional day
Glyn Sellors: Magee Marsh - looking for Warblers etc. from the boardwalk
Glyn Sellors: Richard Pittam on the boardwalk at Magee Marsh
Glyn Sellors: Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
Glyn Sellors: Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
Glyn Sellors: Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
Glyn Sellors: Maumee State Park - Eastern Screech Owls were breeding in a nest box just off the boardwalk
Glyn Sellors: Maumee State Park
Glyn Sellors: Warbling Vireo - some Warbling Vireos can be very similar to Philadelphia Vireo - this bird has a white throat - Philadephia Vireo's is yellow & the Philadelphia Vireo we saw was very lemon on all its underparts - see Philadelphia Vireo images
Glyn Sellors: Male Blackpoll Warbler - the 13th of May was an exceptional day for Warblers
Glyn Sellors: Male Blackpoll Warbler - the 13th of May was an exceptional day for Warblers
Glyn Sellors: Male Blackpoll Warbler
Glyn Sellors: Black & White Warbler - bah humbug!
Glyn Sellors: Black & White Warbler - bah humbug!
Glyn Sellors: Black & White Warbler
Glyn Sellors: Black & White Warbler - there's something about black & white birds
Glyn Sellors: Black & White Warbler
Glyn Sellors: Black & White Warbler
Glyn Sellors: Black & White Warbler
Glyn Sellors: Black & White Warbler
Glyn Sellors: Male Blackburnian Warbler
Glyn Sellors: Yellow Warbler
Glyn Sellors: Great Blue Heron
Glyn Sellors: Pied-billed Grebe - I've always liked Pied-billed Grebe in summer plumage
Glyn Sellors: Pied-billed Grebe
Glyn Sellors: Pied-billed Grebe
Glyn Sellors: Pied-billed Grebe - very noisy
Glyn Sellors: Pied-billed Grebe
Glyn Sellors: Pied-billed Grebe