gluetree: Even the professionals can not escape The Line
gluetree: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 at the Capcom booth
gluetree: Rockstar Games booth
gluetree: Golden Eye booth
gluetree: Live D&D demo
gluetree: Oh god how did I get here I am not good with icosahedron
gluetree: Ork
gluetree: Space Marine
gluetree: Gundam
gluetree: Walking Dead banner
gluetree: Green Hornet's Black Beauty
gluetree: Mega Man Universe
gluetree: Hal Jordan is offended by Sinestro's incontinence
gluetree: Disney Interactive booth
gluetree: The poor man's Hulk
gluetree: Medic! Scout!
gluetree: Wall o' dolls
gluetree: Nintendo booth
gluetree: Nintendo booth
gluetree: Ultramarines
gluetree: Captain America at the Sega booth
gluetree: Animal Planet's Lost Tapes booth
gluetree: Aliens cryotube
gluetree: Cryotube detailing
gluetree: Tardis wardrobe closet
gluetree: Predators
gluetree: Predators being cute
gluetree: Deus Ex banner
gluetree: Dead Space 2 booth
gluetree: Gumby, Cammy, and Chun-Li dancing at the Michael Jackson booth