glucozze: 2nd night of riot n°2 - Rioters
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°00 - Whinning....
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°02
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°03 -
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°04 - Lynching the President
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°10 - Hot spot
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°06 -
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°14 - FIGHT
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°15 - FIGHT
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°25
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°36 - Gaz grenade
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°26
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°29
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°38 - That's not a good gaz mask
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°45 - Y a de la friture sur la ligne !
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°31 - Destruction du mobilier urbain...haha :)
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°46 - Abribus
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°41 - RATP in fire
glucozze: 2nd night of riot n°9 - Rue de la roquette
glucozze: 2nd night of riot n°10 - Rue de la roquette
glucozze: 2nd night of riot n°13 - Rue de la roquette
glucozze: 2nd night of riot n°15 - Rue de la roquette
glucozze: 2nd night of riot n°16 - Rue de la roquette hunting
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°37 - Fight is behind...
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°47 - Fire in others streets
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°48 - Throwing stone to cops
glucozze: Riot for election of Mr Sarkozy n°49 - Throwing stone to cops
glucozze: 2nd night of riot n°24 - Fasle Arrestations on the Bastille
glucozze: 2nd night of riot n°30 - Arrestations on the Bastille
glucozze: 2nd night of riot n°31 - Covering the bus full of protesters going to Police Station