glucozze: Action 1
glucozze: Reaction 1
glucozze: Reaction 6 they arrested the Pere Noel
glucozze: Reaction 5 they arrested the Pere Noel (hum...Santa Claus is better :)
glucozze: Reaction 4 they arrested the Pere Noel !!!!
glucozze: Reaction 3
glucozze: Reaction 2
glucozze: Action 4
glucozze: Action 3
glucozze: Action 2
glucozze: Sympathisant 3
glucozze: Journaliste
glucozze: Result 2
glucozze: Result 1
glucozze: CRS 1
glucozze: Sympathisant 2
glucozze: Santa Claus is smoking
glucozze: Orateur 4
glucozze: Photographe
glucozze: Deboulonneuse
glucozze: CRS 4
glucozze: CRS 3
glucozze: CRS 2
glucozze: Sympathisant 4
glucozze: Second Orateur 2
glucozze: Second Orateur 1
glucozze: Petite Déboulonneuse 2
glucozze: Petite Déboulonneuse 1
glucozze: Deboulonneur en action 4
glucozze: Deboulonneur en action 3