glsƒngrs: colour strip #1
glsƒngrs: the movement image #2
glsƒngrs: false vacuum
glsƒngrs: black and grey blurr
glsƒngrs: no splash
glsƒngrs: unheard whistles
glsƒngrs: heavy sky
glsƒngrs: sc000184ee
glsƒngrs: sc000184ee#2
glsƒngrs: plus five
glsƒngrs: zero
glsƒngrs: plus four
glsƒngrs: abandoned building, teis #2
glsƒngrs: abandoned building, teis #1
glsƒngrs: hmyv
glsƒngrs: vacuum
glsƒngrs: birds and aerial intersect over a roof
glsƒngrs: dopamine clouds over durham city
glsƒngrs: samil w/film lifting up
glsƒngrs: the movement image #1
glsƒngrs: aeroplane
glsƒngrs: telegraph pole
glsƒngrs: durham sky in the morning
glsƒngrs: streetlight/ufo
glsƒngrs: 6am
glsƒngrs: space 1
glsƒngrs: space 2