Gloria Freshley Art and Design: chinese paper silks on wall
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: screen print in front; acrylic on canvas in back; found vessel
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: graphic ovoids on wall_2
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: rose hips cropped_edited
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: bottles, pitchers and nasturtiums cropped
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: vintage bottle stops and surface decorated paper curls with gold painted edges
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: Graphic Ovoids_Third state zoomed
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: Graphic Ovoids_Final_zoomed
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: turquise and yellow indian group 007
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: purse_ash berries_edited
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: Graphic Ovoids_final_in situ
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: ochre monoprint vignette
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: "Remnants" mixed media
Gloria Freshley Art and Design: Mixed media and paintings