Glockenblume: I WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008
Glockenblume: Snail shell
Glockenblume: Coloured crystal light on crystal
Glockenblume: Kitchen miracle
Glockenblume: Magic reflection
Glockenblume: Behind the crystal
Glockenblume: Crystal and silk
Glockenblume: As if the light came from inside the globe
Glockenblume: Enclosed in the globe?
Glockenblume: Magic light
Glockenblume: A magic globe
Glockenblume: Shadows in the sky?
Glockenblume: Multiple reflection
Glockenblume: Light painting
Glockenblume: Sheadow of the past?
Glockenblume: Dandelion
Glockenblume: Flower flame
Glockenblume: Mirror, mirror ..
Glockenblume: Touching the magic globe
Glockenblume: Twins?
Glockenblume: Bathing in rainbow light
Glockenblume: A cup of "flowerwater"
Glockenblume: Columbines in "crystal glass water"
Glockenblume: Bellflower
Glockenblume: Reflected sunlight
Glockenblume: Reflections
Glockenblume: Floating flowers
Glockenblume: For you
Glockenblume: Shadows
Glockenblume: Reflection