globians: a note of film director David Brisbin from the guestbook of the 3rd Globians Film Festival
globians: from the guestbook of Globians Film Festival
globians: from the guest book of Globians Film Festival
globians: from the guest book of Globians Film Festival
globians: from the guest book of Globians Film Festival
globians: Reactions from journalist Mandy Fox after visiting 3rd Globians Film Festival
globians: Reactions from film director Julian Weber after visiting 3rd Globians Film Festival
globians: Reactions from Editor-in-chief Nadja Vancauwenberghe after visiting 3rd Globians Film Festival
globians: Reactions from film director Prof. Alexis Krasilovsky after visiting 3rd Globians Film Festival
globians: Reactions from film editor Miriam Zimmermann after visiting 3rd Globians Film Festival
globians: Reactions from match maker Chana Sharfstein after visiting 3rd Globians Film Festival
globians: Reactions from Deutschlandradio journalist Bernd Sobolla after visiting 3rd Globians Film Festival
globians: from the guest book of Globians Film Festival: a message from film director Lilly Wolfensberger-Scherz
globians: from the guest book of Globians Film Festival: "Ihr Wunsch ist uns Befehl"