GLOBE International: Hon. Lucky Sherpa, Leader of the Parliamentarians Network on Environment and GLOBE Nepal Focal Point
GLOBE International: Hon. Cedric T. Frolick MP. Chairman of the South African National Assembly, President of GLOBE South Africa and Vice President of GLOBE International with GLOBE Deputy Secretary General (Policy) Terry Townshend, Director of the Americas regional organisat
GLOBE International: Senator Isaac V. Figir (Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, Federated States of Micronesia) with Mr Tung Lam Dang (Chief Legal Officer of National Parliament, Federated States of Micronesia).
GLOBE International: Hon. Cedric T. Frolick MP with Hon. Prakash Javadekar (Member of Parliament of India and President of GLOBE India)
GLOBE International: Hon. Cedric T. Frolick MP. with Hon. Prakash Javadekar, Dr. Yvan Biot (Senior Scientist, UK Department for International Development), H.E. Sebastian Wood CMG (Her Majesty's Ambassador to the People's Republic of China) and Terry Townshend.
GLOBE International: Hon. Cedric T. Frolick MP. with Hon. Prakash Javadekar, Dr. Yvan Biot (Senior Scientist, UK Department for International Development), H.E. Sebastian Wood CMG (Her Majesty's Ambassador to the People's Republic of China) and Terry Townshend.
GLOBE International: Hon. Cedric T. Frolick MP. with H.E. Sebastian Wood CMG and Terry Townshend.
GLOBE International: H.E. Sebastian Wood CMG, Her Majesty's Ambassador to the People's Republic of China.
GLOBE International: Director General Su Wei, Director General, National Development & Reform Commission, China
GLOBE International: Hon. Cedric T. Frolick MP.
GLOBE International: Director General Su Wei, Director General, National Development & Reform Commission, China completes his opening remarks on Day 1.
GLOBE International: Director General Su Wei, Director General, National Development & Reform Commission
GLOBE International: Director General Su Wei, Director General, National Development & Reform Commission, China completes his opening remarks on Day 1.
GLOBE International: Hon. Prakash Javadekar (Member of Parliament of India and President of GLOBE India)
GLOBE International: H.E. Sebastian Wood CMG, H.E. Jacques De Watteville (Swiss Ambassador to the People's Republic of China) and Hon. Cedric Frolick MP.
GLOBE International: Dr. Yvan Biot, Senior Scientist, UK Department for International Development
GLOBE International: .E. Sebastian Wood CMG and H.E. Jacques De Watteville
GLOBE International: Senator Isaac V. Figir (Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, Federated States of Micronesia) with Mr Tung Lam Dang (Chief Legal Officer of National Parliament, Federated States of Micronesia).
GLOBE International: Mr Tung Lam Dang (Chief Legal Officer of National Parliament, Federated States of Micronesia).
GLOBE International: Hon. Lucky Sherpa, Hon. Prakash Javadekar, Director General Su Wei, Hon. Cedric T. Frolick MP, H.E. Jacques De Watteville and Dr. Yvan Biot.
GLOBE International: Day 1 GLOBE International
GLOBE International: Hon. Prakash Javadekar and Dr. Yvan Biot.
GLOBE International: Hon. Cedric T. Frolick MP.
GLOBE International: Dr. Rebecca Nadin, Project Director, Adapting to Climate Change in China