Catherine Demers: downy woodpecker
Catherine Demers: downy woodpecker
Catherine Demers: downy woodpecker
Catherine Demers: Spring in Deering Oaks Park
Catherine Demers: pink and green
Catherine Demers: busy as a ...
Catherine Demers: achoooooo
Catherine Demers: flash of red...blur of black
Catherine Demers: ducks on the shore
Catherine Demers: new leaves - spring sky
Catherine Demers: Stroudwater Dam
Catherine Demers: showers at noon
Catherine Demers: afternoon light
Catherine Demers: morning...
Catherine Demers: watching the weather
Catherine Demers: watching the weather
Catherine Demers: watching the weather
Catherine Demers: weather watch
Catherine Demers: rhododendron
Catherine Demers: where is the pollen?