globalreset: Chowdary fakes juggling
globalreset: David's portrait
globalreset: Scott Juggles, but sadly out of focus
globalreset: Fruit breakfast
globalreset: IMG_0305
globalreset: I helped, I swear
globalreset: More trench
globalreset: All good projects start with a hole
globalreset: Laying block numero uno
globalreset: Numero dos
globalreset: A problem arises, this block don't fit
globalreset: Chow recalculates his entire garden philosophy
globalreset: No paparazzi allowed
globalreset: Get off the premises
globalreset: Seriously, no photos of my mistakes
globalreset: I will tell you one more time
globalreset: Now you've done it
globalreset: Problem rectified, second layer applied, now drainage
globalreset: Hauling rock is hard work
globalreset: The drainage
globalreset: Low profile
globalreset: Low profile 2
globalreset: Our stopping point, Chow needs more blocks
globalreset: Chow the conqueror
globalreset: David knows the value of a good day's work
globalreset: Close up of almost finished product
globalreset: Chow shows us a pose he learned at terrorist training camp
globalreset: Do not mess with this guy