Gil Walker: you go girl
Gil Walker: street scenes of Bokaap
Gil Walker: perched in the shadows
Gil Walker: siesta blues
Gil Walker: memorial for a friend
Gil Walker: in ascending order
Gil Walker: face to face
Gil Walker: happy family
Gil Walker: heading down
Gil Walker: going up
Gil Walker: passers by
Gil Walker: outside looking in
Gil Walker: inside looking out
Gil Walker: looking down
Gil Walker: look and listen
Gil Walker: looking down the wormhole
Gil Walker: looking down inside
Gil Walker: morning constitutional
Gil Walker: about turn
Gil Walker: setting out on Ocean Safari
Gil Walker: looking up and down
Gil Walker: me on the spot
Gil Walker: snapped in the shadows
Gil Walker: picture hunting
Gil Walker: comfortably seated
Gil Walker: on the rocks
Gil Walker: staying at home
Gil Walker: phoning a friend
Gil Walker: portrait
Gil Walker: no parking