Gil Walker:
in the shallows
Gil Walker:
from down under
Gil Walker:
wedges of sky
Gil Walker:
making inroads
Gil Walker:
reverse assist
Gil Walker:
in reflection
Gil Walker:
in reflection
Gil Walker:
small detail
Gil Walker:
stepping stones
Gil Walker:
riding the wave
Gil Walker:
a break in the clouds
Gil Walker:
hanging around
Gil Walker:
a ring of blue sky
Gil Walker:
fallen leaves
Gil Walker:
inside looking down... and out
Gil Walker:
behind closed doors
Gil Walker:
Gil Walker:
all aboard
Gil Walker:
in line together
Gil Walker:
doing it sideways
Gil Walker:
split levels
Gil Walker:
outside looking in
Gil Walker:
looking into
Gil Walker:
looking out
Gil Walker:
looking back
Gil Walker:
light wash
Gil Walker:
lying in wait
Gil Walker:
remains of the rain
Gil Walker:
slices of sky
Gil Walker:
making eyes